
Sunday, December 17, 2023

Near Death Experience: Howard Pittman | Part 2 | Angels Disguised as Humans & More | Journey into the Spiritual Realm

Hail Beloved,

This YouTube video is another MUST-SEE for ALL people, both believers and nonbelievers alike! And most Christians will be totally shocked by what they hear! Watch now as Pastor Mark Cowart, Senior Pastor of Church For All Nations (CFAN) in Colorado Springs, Colorado, continues his interview with a good, Christian man named Howard Pittman. In Part 2 of this gripping video, the late Brother Howard shared more of his insights on what he learned from his shocking near-death experience (NDE), which he clearly revealed in Part 1, where he vividly described the moments when his spirit separated from his physical body and set forth on an unforgettable journey beyond Earth into the spiritual realm.

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Near Death Experience: Howard Pittman | Part 1 | This Will Leave All Christians–People–in Shock | Journey into the Spiritual Realm

Hail Beloved,

This YouTube video is a MUST-SEE for ALL people, both believers and nonbelievers alike! And most Christians will be totally shocked by what they hear. Watch now as Pastor Mark Cowart, Senior Pastor of Church For All Nations (CFAN) in Colorado Springs, Colorado, interviews a good Christian man named Howard Pittman. In Part 1 of this gripping video, the late Brother Howard shared his shocking near-death experience (NDE) testimony, clearly revealing the moments when his spirit separated from his physical body and set forth on an unforgettable journey beyond Earth into the spiritual realm.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

"YOUNG" 13-year-old Future Ed Sheeran with INCREDIBE Singing Voice - Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen - Allie Sherlock Cover Feat. Fionn Whelan

Hail Beloved,

Wow! These two youths are great singers! The young lad is only 13 and has a beautiful Irish singing voice. I really love this song they are singing here, too! Watch it and listen, and you will see what I mean on both counts.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Secret Free Masonic Ritual Caught on Camera! A MUST-SEE YouTube Video for Everyone!

Hail Beloved,

This is a MUST-SEE YouTube video for everyone! Especially, for those of you who are interested in learning the truth about the so-called "Free [Bound, Deceived, Enslaved & Ensnared] Masons," whose diabolical plots need exposing to the world, along with that of the nefarious Cabal, or Illuminati, and all other forms of occult, secret societies, and witchcraft! It is all nothing but pure evil that is wholeheartedly imbrued by the evil one himself, Satan (aka Devil, dragon & Lucifer), who is the mortal, spiritual enemy of the human family! Satan hates all humans and prowls this World (i.e., his artificial, carnal, dysfunctional, immoral, material & temporal principality, cf. the so-called "Matrix" conjectured by some modern conspiracy theorists & ufologists), like a roaring lion, looking for souls to devour (see 1 Peter 5:8). Big props go out to Pastor Richard Lorenzo Jr. for posting this video on his YouTube Channel; thank you, Brother!

Monday, November 27, 2023

Every Christian Must Stand Up Against The Woke Agenda

Hail Beloved,

I just finished watching this powerful sermon by Pastor Vlad Savchuk about the Transgender and Woke Agenda taking place in the World (i.e., Satan's artificial, carnal/sensual, material/physical & temporal principality), and I am in complete agreement with everything he said about this dangerous tool of Satan. Pastor Vlad also provided some quite disturbing statistics about "gender dysphoria" and "transgenderism" that I am going to share with you here. He said, "About 5% of young adults in the U.S. say their gender is different from their sex assigned at birth. [And] 1.6 million Americans now identify as transgender. The largest share is among ages 13-17." Wow! That is some scary and heartbreaking data to learn. He also spoke about how God makes us male or female and has done so since the beginning of the Creation of the Earth and all of its inhabitants.

Catholicism VS Christianity

Hail Beloved,

I came across this video about the differences between Catholic Christianity (aka Catholicism; i.e., "the faith, system, and practice of the Catholic Church, especially the Roman Catholic Church,", n.d., def 1) and non-Catholic Christianity (i.e., "the religion derived from Jesus Christ, based on the Bible as sacred scripture, and professed by Eastern, Roman Catholic, and Protestant bodies," Dictionary, n.d., def 1) and found it to be very informative and uplifting to my spirit. So, watch this short video to learn more, give it a thumbs up, and share it on your social media platforms so it gets in front of more people worldwide! Thanks!

Well, my brothers, sisters, and friends, even my enemies, that is all I want to say about this video here. As always, may God bless you and yours. And remember, Jesus loves you, and so do I, brother or sister, and friend. Have a blessed day/night and a better tomorrow.

Your Brother in Jesus the Messiah,

Michael Wayne Brock

Sunday, November 26, 2023

THE BOOK OF THE WATCHERS | Book of Enoch Part 1 | Full Audiobook with Re...

Hail Beloved,

I came across this amazing video a few months ago, featuring the Book of Enoch, Part 1: The Book of The Watchers. It is a full audiobook read by Christopher Glyn, with read-along text. It describes the fall of the Watchers, a group of angels who were sent to Earth to watch over humans. I have listened to it several times, and it is an amazing story written by the ancient Hebrew Prophet Enoch who is the great-grandfather of Noah and seven generations after Adam and Eve (Genesis 5:22-29). The Watchers became consumed with lust for human women and rebelled against God. They defected to Earth to procreate with humans and give them divine knowledge. The Watchers fathered the angel-human hybrids called Nephilim.

How To Become Spiritually Stronger By Praying In Tongues

Hail Beloved,

As you may know, I have been subscribing to and following Pastor Vlad Savchuk for a few weeks now, and I keep finding videos of his that I want to share with everyone. This video is one of them! It is definitely an eyeopener, especially if you are not familiar with speaking in tongues. It is a gift of the Holy Spirit that I have been doing on and off for years but had fallen away from doing it lately. Looking back in hindsight, now I can see how it negatively affected and impacted my soul and me. But now I know how to fix it by speaking in tongues. Praise God and thank you Jesus!

Watch This CHILLING Interview With LUCIFER!

Hail Beloved,

As you may know, I have been subscribing to and following Pastor Vlad Savchuk for a few weeks now, and I keep finding videos of his that I want to share with everyone. This video is one of them! It is definitely an eyeopener. He is not the person conducting the interview, but rather he is basically watching it along with his audience/followers/subscribers. Another pastor is conducting the interview, and Lucifer (aka Devil, dragon, Satan, et al.) is a human man wearing a mask. Either way, it is a must watch for Christians and non-believers alike. So, I encourage you to watch it to see what I mean. The title is very apropos, as it is CHILLING to watch! Thanks!

Well, my brothers, sisters, and friends, even my enemies, that is all I want to say about this video here. As always, may God bless you and yours. And remember, Jesus loves YOU, and so do I, brother or sister and friend. Have a blessed day/night and a better tomorrow, beloved.

Your Brother in Jesus the Messiah,

Michael Wayne Brock

Denzel Washington & Mel Gibson Sends TERRIFYING Warning About Hollywood

Hail Beloved,

I came across this video about Denzel Washington and Mel Gibson's partnership to bring awareness to and STOP human trafficking among the entertainment industry's so-called elite royalty in Hollywood, especially that of children. Praise God, and thank You, Jesus! It is about time. It truly breaks my heart to know that countless innocent children are being kidnapped and trafficked by the elitist, pedophilic scumbags worldwide! Hollywood is only the tip of the iceberg, so to speak, and it goes much deeper than you might think, including politicians, technocrats, and many more. 

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Spiritual Spouses

Hail Beloved,

I recently learned about Pastor Vlad and Lana Savchuk and their powerful ministry for God (i.e., Yahweh the Father, Yeshua the Son & Ruach HaKodesh the Holy Ghost), which includes conducting deliverance from Satan and his demons, instructing how to battle demons and spirits in the spiritual war we are fighting, preaching the Gospel worldwide, teaching salvation through belief and faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus the Messiah and His amazing grace, understanding the gifts of the Holy Ghost (aka Holy Spirit), and so forth.

Monday, November 20, 2023

Proof There Is No God? News Update

Hail Beloved,

Do not let the title of this video mislead you into not watching it because JP is being very comical and satirical, as usual. In fact, he recently had a change of heart and mind about the existence of God, which, of course, he made a video for and posted on his YouTube channel that I shared here a few moments ago. So, definitely, watch this video not only to see his latest comedy and satire about what is "actually" happening in our country and the rest of the world but also for a good laugh. And be sure to watch the previous video that I posted from him to see what I mean about his change of heart and mind about God, which for him is unusually noncomical. 

I Changed My Mind About God - Here's Why

Hail Beloved,

In this video, JP from "AwakenWithJP" shares his recent change of heart and mind about the existence of God, which is that he was "wrong" and now believes in Christianity, God, the power of prayer, and so forth, which is great for him. He also shares how he sees the presence of Satan (aka the Devil) influencing and running our world today. And he shares some of his thoughts on how we can bring more God into the world.