
Sunday, December 17, 2023

Near Death Experience: Howard Pittman | Part 2 | Angels Disguised as Humans & More | Journey into the Spiritual Realm

Hail Beloved,

This YouTube video is another MUST-SEE for ALL people, both believers and nonbelievers alike! And most Christians will be totally shocked by what they hear! Watch now as Pastor Mark Cowart, Senior Pastor of Church For All Nations (CFAN) in Colorado Springs, Colorado, continues his interview with a good, Christian man named Howard Pittman. In Part 2 of this gripping video, the late Brother Howard shared more of his insights on what he learned from his shocking near-death experience (NDE), which he clearly revealed in Part 1, where he vividly described the moments when his spirit separated from his physical body and set forth on an unforgettable journey beyond Earth into the spiritual realm.

First, he shared a little more about all of his "Good Works" that he pleaded to Almighty God about in Part 1, which were a lot of good works by any Christian's standards (i.e., more than most average Christians do today, I assure you). But the True Living God told him that he had done them all for himself and thereby a false "god" (i.e., SELF is the Son of Satan, as Howard discussed in Part 1) or, more specifically, the "god" of this World (i.e., Satan's artificial/unnatural, carnal/sensual, immoral/sinful, material/physical & temporal/temporary principality/territory; cf. the so-called "Holographic Universe" or "Matrix" per some modern physicists, conspiracy theorists, ufologists, et al.) that we live in now, NOT for our Almighty Living Creator God (Yahweh the Father, Yeshua the Son & Ruach haKodesh the Holy Spirit), as Brother Pittman thoroughly detailed in Part 1!

After that, he talked about Jesus' teaching in parables and the importance of Him doing so, focusing on "The Sower" and "The Wheat & Tares" parables from Matthew, Chapter 13, which are parables about the second birth or being "born again" as Jesus described it to Nicodemus in John, Chapter 3. He explained how the word Jesus used when He described being "born again" to Nicodemus was the one that involved all three phases of natural birth: conception, development, and delivery. He explained how only one out of four of the receivers of the word in the parables from Matthew, Chapter 13, made it through all three phases and was "born again," which Jesus said must be accomplished to enter the kingdom of God (see John 3:3 & 3:5).

Next, he talked about "The Frog-like Spirit" described in Revelation 16:13-14 whose goal is to destroy the universal code of Bible morality. Here, he shared a story about him and his wife being in France near the English Channel and turning on the radio to hear an English broadcast about how Margaret Thatcher had harshly rebuked the Church of England for not enforcing and teaching the Bible code of morality and declaring that it should be left up to the individual and what they believe to be morally right.

Then, he shared more about "The True Baptism of the Holy Spirit," which was the fifth point to the churches he discussed in Part 1. He elaborated here and told us that he believed it was going to come through tribulation and handling it with patience, which he defines as "calmly enduring" the tribulation. He finished here by saying that if we do not have patience, then God will send us personal tribulations that would "worketh patience."

After that, he spoke more about "Angels Unawares" or Guardian Angels disguised as humans. Here, he shared an experience he had with a young man who most likely was a Guardian Angel disguised as a human. It was when he was writing one of his books about his testimony titled "Placebo" and kept making mistakes while typing it on an old-school IBM typewriter using carbon paper. His wife told him to quit trying to type it and just make it into a cassette tape. However, Howard insisted on writing it as a book because the churches he was teaching about spiritual warfare wanted it in writing. Then, as he was about to give up and make it as a cassette tape, out of nowhere came a young man, who appeared to be in his thirties, ringing his doorbell. Mysteriously, the young man knew Howard by name, knew he was having trouble typing his book/testimony, and offered to type it for him. Howard described how he asked the young man his name but forgot it and could not remember it to save his life.

Next, he told a story about how this young man spent around a day and a half typing the book/testimony for him without eating or sleeping, even refusing to eat when Howard asked him to come in for lunch and dinner. Then, when he was done, Howard asked him where he was going, to which he replied, "Back to California." So, Howard asked him how he was getting back to California, to which he replied, "The same way I came, by thumb" (aka hitchhiking, which used to be popular in the 20th century; I even hitchhiked a lot myself as a teenager in the 1980s). So, Howard offered to buy him a bus ticket for typing the book/testimony, but he refused and quickly left.

Afterward, Howard could not believe that he did not think to ask any of the typical questions a former police officer would naturally ask, such as who he was, how he knew his name, how he knew about the book/testimony, and so on. Moreover, the manuscript he typed did not have a single mistake or any typographical errors (cf. typos) at all, and after using it once, it was somehow lost or misplaced. Howard told how never did find it and had to have it retyped about a dozen times, with each successive version having mistakes and typos.

Then, he ended this interview by telling how "Jesus Knows What We Are" in answering Pastor Cowart's last question, which was, "What do you think is the most important message to the Church of Jesus Christ today?" He answered that it was to be real and walk the walk, not just talk the talk because Jesus knows our hearts and who and what we are on the inside.

Then, Pastor Cowart closed out this video with a few final thoughts. First, he asked the viewer if they had thought about their own eternal destiny, which he says is "the most important question we will ever answer." After that, he continued with a quick overview of Matthew 7:21-23, where Jesus was teaching "The Sermon on the Mount" and He said, 21 "Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?' 23 And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness'" (Holy Bible, New King James Version [NKJV])!

Finally, he finished up with saying how shocking the thought was of Howard Pittman's life being revealed as an abomination to the Living God. It made him realize that there would be a lot of preachers in Hell! And he challenged us to seek the Lord, to press into Him, and examine our own lives to see whether we are in the faith or not.

So, what is next? Even with all the commentary that I wrote here, I did not do this video justice, and it is well worth watching to see what I missed. So, that is what is next, watch this riveting video and be shocked into your own realization that Jesus is "the way, the truth, and the life" and that "no one comes to the Father except through" Him (Holy Bible, New King James Version [NKJV], John 14:6). Watch the video beloved! And I believe you will be glad you did.

Lastly, before you watch this incredible video, I want to give big props to @Behold876 on YouTube for his insightful commentary throughout this video. Thank you, brother! As always, may the True Living God bless you and yours! And remember, Jesus loves YOU, and so do I! Have a blessed day/night and a better tomorrow!

Your Brother in Jesus Christ,

Michael W Brock

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