

 Greetings and Well Met Brothers and Sisters of the Human Family;

Welcome to M Brock's World on Blogger: My Blogger blog about what is happening in my world and beyond. Thanks not only for your interest in knowing more about me, as is indicated by the fact that you are reading my About page right now, but also for your time spent here. I will give you a proper introduction below and do my best to provide good content herein otherwise, albeit in my own eccentric and unique style.

Thus, my full name is Michael Wayne Brock, and I was born, raised, and still live in Largo, Florida, USA, where I enjoy the beaches, boating, fishing, fresh seafood, golfing, swimming, and so on. My birthday is March 1, 1969; Only the best year ever because I was born, the first Woodstock happened, and we supposedly landed on the moon (i.e., the jury is still out on this matter in my opinion, as I do not believe anything the US Government [USG] tells us anymore, which I will address further in new blog posts). 

And now, it is a pleasure to meet you in the virtual sense, and I look forward to meeting you in person someday if that is part of our destiny and purpose in this life. But only God knows if that is the case or not. I guess our journey through life and time spent on our home planet Earth and in this reality and universe will tell in the end. Either way, I am happy to have met you at all.

Moving forward, I have two adult sons and one granddaughter, neither of whom I see very often, as they all live out of state. Speaking of family, I was adopted and raised by my maternal grandparents, Claude Brock (aka "Pops," who was a 100% service-connected disabled American Veteran of the US Army from World War II, having fought and served three tours of duty in the European theater) and Vera Brock (aka "Granny" or "Mom," depending on the situation and what I wanted from her; just being honest), after being abandoned by my biological parents at just 28 days old.

My grandparents were still working, but my aunt Pat was living at home and was the one I bonded with maternally. I called her "Aunt Mom" as a term of endearment. However, I did reunite with my biological mother as a youth and formed a good relationship with her over the years, and I considered her my third mom before she passed away. Sadly, they are all gone now, and I miss them dearly.

Also, I did meet my presumed biological father when I was 36 years old, and we are still in occasional contact to this day. And now, I live with and look after my elderly uncle Bruce, who was married to my Aunt Mom for 40 years before she died. Hence, he is like a father to me, and I make sure he is safe and eats well, as I buy most of the food we eat and love to cook delicious dishes, which I learned from my Granny. I also clean the kitchen and wash all the dishes. So, it is a win-win situation for both of us.

I am happy to take care of my uncle Bruce in this way and keep him safe from danger otherwise as well because I know there are so many other unfortunate elderly folks in the world who are not taken care of at all these days, which breaks my heart to know of such things. But that is the sad state of affairs in this world right now. And I plan on staying with my uncle Bruce until he dies to make sure he has somebody who he can count on for companionship and security. I also have a half-brother, Al, and a cousin, Paul, whom I am very close to. My cousin Paul is my Aunt Mom's and Uncle Bruce's son and is more like a little brother to me than a cousin, as we grew up together.

Furthermore, following in the footsteps of Pops, I quit high school twice (i.e., except that Pops had to drop out of school in the third grade to go to work since he grew up during the Great Depression) and joined the US Army at age 17, and I turned 18 while still in basic training. I, too, am a service-connected disabled American Veteran of the US Army, having served just shy of two years, from 1987 to 1989, before falling down a flight of stairs while shoveling snow (Hey, I am a Florida boy what can I say?) and injuring my back and neck. So, I do not have any great war stories to tell, as I received an honorable discharge for medical reasons about 11 months before Operation Desert Shield in the Middle East, where my unit (i.e., First Infantry Division, aka Big Red One) was one of the units deployed to that conflict.

Well, now that you know more about my basic family history and structure and mediocre military background, I will dive deeper into my world so that you can form a better idea of who I am, beginning with this blog. Incidentally, I know I have not been very active on this Blogger blog since I started it in 2011 and only wrote a few lackluster posts back then, all of which I deleted or unpublished for rewriting purposes, as they no longer accurately and appropriately represent me and my life or my experiences in, of, and on this world to date.

Consequently, I will attempt to correct that shortcoming by providing more accurate, thought-provoking blog posts here while adhering to my newfound knowledge and understanding of life based on my recently restored relationship with Almighty God, Yahweh the Father God (i.e., Yahweh is a transliteration of the Tetragrammaton [YHWH] & commonly rendered as Jehovah in English, aka Abba, Adonai, El, Elohim, et al. in Hebrew), Yeshua the Son of God (i.e., Yeshua is Jesus' name in Hebrew & translates literally as "Yahweh Saves" or "Yahweh is Salvation" in English; a shortened version of the Jewish name Yehoshua that translates literally as "the LORD [Yahweh] is Salvation," which was Jesus' given name), and Ruach HaKodesh the Holy Spirit of God (i.e., Ruach HaKodesh is one of several Hebrew names that translates literally as "The Holy Spirit" & is the name that Yeshua most commonly used).

Indeed, my life and outlook have changed remarkably since then, including my assumptions, beliefs, concepts, dreams, hopes, ideas, perceptions, perspectives, thoughts, views, and so on, especially as it pertains to why I believe we are here on planet earth and what our purpose is as human beings. But I will forewarn you that some of my beliefs and stances are unorthodox and far from the norm. So, buckle up and enjoy the ride. However, before I blow your mind with my unique viewpoints on the essential questions of human life, which I will develop further via blog posts, I will briefly summarize my higher education and credentials.

I returned to college in 2012 and ultimately earned three different degrees, including two Associate degrees (i.e., Associate of Arts in General Education & Associate of Science in Computer/Web Programming & Analysis) and one Bachelor's degree (i.e., Bachelor of Applied Science in Technology Management & Software Development), which collectively took up a lot of my time for about five years (ca. 2012–2017), and which I may write more about hereinbelow and perhaps afterward in this blog.

Now, as regards religion and spirituality, I am a completely different and new person today, thanks to God (i.e., Jehovah the Father, Jesus the Messiah, and the Holy Spirit). Indeed, if you knew me personally, you might even say that I am a newly born-again and much simpler man than I was 12 years ago when I started this Blogger blog. Yeah, I am discovering a deeper meaning, greater destiny, higher purpose, and new path in life as an adamant, anointed, baptized, born-again, and zealous believer, disciple, follower, and student of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Messiah (i.e., Yeshua HaMashiac in Hebrew), and the Holy Bible.

Therefore, much of what I write about now will not only include commentary on and references to the One True Living God—Creator of all things heard and unheard, known and unknown, perceived and unperceived, and seen and unseen—but also reflect upon what I am learning from studying the Holy Bible in earnest, as opposed to that from other people in, of, and on this world, albeit I will likely contrast the two in some cases. As such, I must forewarn you that most of what I write about nowadays is in stark contrast to what most people assume, believe, or realize because I am starting to hear, know, and see things beyond that of most people in this world. Thanks only to Almighty God via my renewed relationship with Them.

Concerning religious upbringing, my grandparents were both born-again Christians who faithfully and rigorously believed in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and all the Gifts of the Holy Spirit that He promised to guide and watch over His faithful followers. Moreover, they were both not only very old-fashioned, having grown up during the Great Depression, but also very strict in their religious beliefs and dogma of the Pentecostal Church of God. So, we faithfully attended church twice on Sunday and once on Wednesday nights, along with revivals, tent meetings, and vacation Bible studies when available. This strict devotion exposed me to one denomination's expression and teachings of God and what would be called miracles by many from a very early age, including that of my spiritual faith healing—through the laying on of hands and congregational prayer—of a rare heart murmur that I was diagnosed with as a child.

Looking back in hindsight, I am glad that I grew up around lots of Spirit-filled people and had the chance to meet Jehovah the Father, Jesus the Messiah, and the Holy Spirit for the first time at around five years old. Although I turned away from Jehovah, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and religion around the age of 12 or 13, God never gave up on me, and I reunited with Them at the age of 33. Indeed, I honestly believe Jesus was watching over me or assigned someone else to because I should have died several times over in my life, according to the various doctors who told me as much, including multiple car and motorcycle accidents and two cases of pneumonia. That is, the latter case of pneumonia required hospitalization on Christmas Eve 2016 and was the most severe and potentially fatal of the two. I spent a total of 17 days in the hospital recovering from bilateral pneumonia, with 11 of those days being in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU), and I nearly died at that time. As such, suffice to say, I feel like still having my life at all is a miracle in and of itself for all practical purposes, and now I am beginning to learn and know why. Thank God!

As noted above, concerning educational and professional endeavors, I have a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science (i.e., BAS in Technology Management and Software Development) from St. Petersburg College, where I graduated magna cum laude in May 2017. I minored in mathematics, taking some of the same advanced math and physics courses as engineers, so I am generally familiar with several scientific disciplines and subjects. To be clear, though, I am not a professional engineer in the same sense as someone who majored in a particular engineering discipline or specialization (e.g., electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, etc.). On the contrary, I took some of the same math and physics courses as they would have taken before focusing on their core curriculum for a particular engineering discipline or specialization.

At any rate, I generally like astronomy, cosmology, math, physics, science, and technology and enjoy solving technical problems involving any of these broader disciplines and subjects. I also enjoy researching and studying real-world history, as opposed to the history they teach in schools, which is generally biased and inaccurate. In other words, real-world history is typically only found through independent research and study of ancient texts and obscure books at libraries. Although I am still interested in all these subjects or topics in general, I must admit that it has been quite a while since I took the advanced math and physics classes, which was during my first attempt at college back in the mid-1990s, when I was aspiring to be a medical research scientist and was pursuing two specific degrees: MD (i.e., Medical Doctor) and a PhD in genetic engineering, specializing in human life expansion via organ cloning with cells taken from the host patient and, in theory, produced synthetically sometime in the future.

Incidentally, it is interesting enough to note that modern medical research scientists and genetic engineers are now using 3D printing to essentially clone organs using cells from the host patient and printing them into a construct or matrix of cells that will eventually grow into a specific organ, such as a heart, liver, lung and so forth. This new technology is similar to what I wanted to do in my younger years, although 3D printing was not that advanced in the 1990s. In any case, even though this is a new technology, I think it is pretty cool.

Moreover, I was trained, fluent, and proficient in several computer programming/scripting languages and software development platforms (e.g., C#, C++, CSS3, HTML5, Java, JavaScript, jQuery, .NET, PHP & Python) and specialized in web development before I lost my passion for the profession and quit pursuing further education in any discipline, field, or subject.

Well, I suppose that is enough for now, so I will end here. Thanks for reading and taking the time to learn more about me, and here again, I look forward to meeting you in person someday if it is our destiny to do so. In the meantime, may God bless you and yours. And remember, Jesus loves you, and so do I. Have a great day/night and a greater tomorrow.

Your Brother in Jesus the Messiah,

Michael Wayne Brock

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