Hail Beloved,
This is a MUST-SEE YouTube video for everyone! Especially, for those of you who are interested in learning the truth about the so-called "Free [Bound, Deceived, Enslaved & Ensnared] Masons," whose diabolical plots need exposing to the world, along with that of the nefarious Cabal, or Illuminati, and all other forms of occult, secret societies, and witchcraft! It is all nothing but pure evil that is wholeheartedly imbrued by the evil one himself, Satan (aka Devil, dragon & Lucifer), who is the mortal, spiritual enemy of the human family! Satan hates all humans and prowls this World (i.e., his artificial, carnal, dysfunctional, immoral, material & temporal principality, cf. the so-called "Matrix" conjectured by some modern conspiracy theorists & ufologists), like a roaring lion, looking for souls to devour (see 1 Peter 5:8). Big props go out to Pastor Richard Lorenzo Jr. for posting this video on his YouTube Channel; thank you, Brother!
I have been researching and studying this topic for roughly 26 years, and it only gets more intriguing with time. Yeah, I started learning about the evil plots of the Cabal, Free Masons, and Illuminati, including their New World Order (NWO) agenda, while I was in college for the first time back in 1997. They are all tied to the putative Royal Families of Europe and the Industrial Age elitist dynasties, such as the Morgans, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Warburgs, et al.
Thus, I vehemently rebuke and renounce all such elitist groups, including the myriad secret societies propagated by them and their accompanying nefarious machinations, such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF; not to be confused with the "Individual Master File" compiled, controlled & retained by the United States Government [USG] & the fraudulent Internal Revenue Service [IRS] thereof, for purposes of illegally collecting, defrauding & enforcing the unconstitutional & unlawful "income tax" upon the unwitting American citizenry, but that is another story altogether, which I will write about in another post later), NWO, United Nations (UN), World Bank, etc., in Jesus' Mighty Name. AMEN!
Praise the LORD God Almighty (i.e., literally means Jehovah in English & Yahweh in Hebrew, et al.; cf. the loving, longsuffering Creator, Emperor, Father & LORD God Most High of All the Creation) and The Holy Spirit (i.e., literally means Ruach HaKodesh in Hebrew, aka Advocate, Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Standby, Strengthener & The Holy Ghost; cf. the loving, longsuffering Co-Creator Empress, Mother & Dame Goddess Most High of the Creation?; i.e., I am researching & writing a book about this very plausible question & hope to publish it ASAP!), and thank you, my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ (i.e., literally means Jesus the Messiah in English & Yeshua HaMashiach in Hebrew, et al.; aka God of gods, Lord of lords & King of kings; cf. the loving, longsuffering Brother, Co-Creator, Friend & Lord God Most High of the Universe)!
Well, my brothers, sisters, and friends, even my enemies, this covers everything I wanted to write about in this blog post. As always, may God bless you and yours most abundantly. And remember, Jesus loves you, and so do I, brother or sister, and friend or enemy. Have a blessed day/night and a better tomorrow.
Your Brother in Jesus the Messiah,
Michael Wayne Brock

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